Saturday, 30 April 2011

Car insurance for travellers

Q: Will my insurance policy cover me in a different state?
A: While insurance requirements vary from state to state, most policies will cover       drivers whether in Florida or Washington. Of course if you are moving, make sure to       get coverage in your new location.

Q: Do I have to report an accident where I hit an animal?
A: Yes, this is treated the same as any other accident. In fact, the typical costs of a    collision with a deer is about $2000 per incident.

Q: Should you buy the insurance coverage on a rental car?
A: It depends if your current coverage applies to the rental car. Often it will transfer    to a rental car under the same guidelines as your current coverage. However, beware    that some rental car companies can charge for lost rental income if a crash takes the    car out of operation. Also, the replacement cost of a car might be higher than the    market value of the car. To be safe, check with your insurance agent.

Q: I'm taking an extended vacation or going away for military service. Should I cancel my    policy?
A: Most insurance companies will allow military personnel to cancel their policies while    serving abroad. For other extended stays away from home, the decision to cancel the    policy is a bit more confusing. Canceling a policy may result in higher premiums upon    return. Another option is to put the car in storage and get less insurance while away.

Q: Will my insurance policy cover other transportation like jet skis, motorcycles, and       snowmobiles?
A: Normally you will have to get extra coverage for these types. Speak with your car    insurance agent.


  1. Thank you for posting article on car insurance for travelers. I was looking information on it. Is getting car insurance policy online easy and quick ? I wanted to know if the quotes available online are reliable or not. The rates that were offered at that time are accurate estimate or just a rough idea.
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