Save on insurance when buying a new car. Find out how to get cheap, safe auto car insurance. You can also find out about reducing car insurance rates with your current auto insurer.Insurance rates are partly determined by the type of car you own. “When you have a few cars in mind, you should call your insurance agent to see how much insurance would cost for each model you're considering,” said Eric Michalko of Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
Other factors that help determine car insurance rates:
1)Cars with higher safety ratings will save you money because they keep occupants safer if you are in an accident
2)Older cars cost less to insure because the cost to replace or repair them is lower
3)if you have a higher deductible on your policy (e.g. your share of the cost of a claim), then you will lower your monthly insurance rate, though you will have to pay more out of pocket if you are in an accident
4)Tell your insurance agent if you are only using the car on weekends and not for driving to work. This can help to reduce rates.
Amazing. I am so excited to know all these ways to save money while buying a car insurance policy. I do have carefully understood each and every point that you have posted. Thanks a lot for sharing.
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